Fallout new vegas radio new vegas
Fallout new vegas radio new vegas

  • The trailer contains enough junk to fix ED-E, 3 pieces of scrap metal, 2 sensor modules and 1 scrap electronics.
  • Wasteland Survival Guide and a Sunset Sarsaparilla star bottle cap: Near the bed, on opposite sides.
  • Little remains of them beyond leftover junk, barely functional radio equipment, and the last worlds painted inside the trailer: Everyone is gone.

    fallout new vegas radio new vegas

    The nuclear holocaust broke the broadcaster.

    fallout new vegas radio new vegas

    An old, pirate broadcasting station from before the Great War, this trailer was used by a conspiracy theorist in his relentless campaign against the evils of the government, fighting the good fight with his voice - or so the Lone Wolf thought.

    Fallout new vegas radio new vegas